To enjoy a comfortable financial future, investing is essential for most people.

Investing can provide you with another source of income, fund your retirement, above all investing grows your wealth — helping you meet your financial goals and increasing your purchasing power over time. Maybe you’ve recently sold your home or come into some money. It’s a wise decision to let that money work for you by investing it.

There are many ways to invest — from very safe choices such as CDs (certificates of deposits) and money market accounts to medium-risk options such as corporate bonds, and even higher-risk picks such as stock index funds. It means you can find investments that offer a variety of returns and fit your risk profile. It also means that you can combine investments to create a well-rounded and diversified — that is, safer — portfolio. 

Bonthe de Leone investment strategies are both long- and short- term, therefore we can offer tailor made boutique like investment solutions to you as an investor.

Below is a pick of our best investments so far in 2023

Certificates of deposit



Dividend stocks

Money market accounts

Mutual funds

Real estate


Alternative investments

Artificial intelligence



Renewable energy



Corporate bonds

Small caps

Electric vehicles

To invest with us, for further information and consultancy give as a call or send us an email.

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