About us

Bonthe de Leone is an investment holding company. The company’s principal activities are investments and acquisitions of shares in operating companies’ stock. An operating company is a company which produces goods or provides services. At Bonthe de Leone we invest in companies operating in different markets and sectors. We typically invest in companies that have high earnings per share (EPS), strong predicted EPS growth rate, high dividend yield, whose products or services are high in demand, and is expected to grow in demand.

We only invest in stocks traded in markets that exhibits strong trends. By analysing the market trends using fundamental- and technical analysis, we can with high certainty predict in which direction a market is likely to move, which enables us to adjust our trades with long and short positions and make profit in both rising and falling markets.

As an investment holding company, we look for companies that are likely acquisition candidates such as family businesses or divisions of larger companies, and to acquire these companies and add them to our portfolio holdings. We typically look at operating companies that have good growth forecast, products or services in growing demand, unrealized values, and whose shares are undervalued and trade below their book value.

Predominantly but not exclusively, we invest to acquire a controlling interest of 50% or more of the shares in such companies. We restructure these acquired portfolio companies, to increase their profitability, hence adding value to the overall investment portfolio.

Return on investment (ROI) on any of Bonthe de Leone portfolios is directly dependent on the value and the performances of the assets held in the portfolio. The investment income generated from our portfolio investments is paid out in the form of interest payments, cash dividends, and capital gains when we divest and sell any of our holdings.
